
FEATURES OF M&M COATING Protects against bacteria, viruses, and mold! The SIAA mark is a "self-certification mark" that indicates compliance with the strict quality and testing standards set by the Antimicrobial Products Technical Council's guidelines under selfresponsibility, and it also indicates that information related to quality and safety is publicly available. The SIAA mark can only be used by SIAA members, and its usage and display methods are strictly monitored by the council's self-management. All the coating agents we use have obtained the SIAA mark. Certified to international quality assurance standard ISO9001! We have obtained ISO9001:2015 certification for our floor coating construction quality technology and international quality assurance standard. Additionally, as a developer and manufacturer of house coating agents, we have also obtained ISO9001:2015 certification for the development and sales of house coating agents. We are committed to providing safe, high-quality coating agents that are compatible with the ever-evolving building materials, using high technology to ensure product delivery. 1 It is difficult to easily verify the safety and performance of coating agents in everyday life, and many customers rely on information from the internet and explanations from company representatives, which can leave them with uncertainties. However, we explain to our customers based on the safety and performance evaluation results from third-party organizations, ensuring that even first-time users of house coating can use it with confidence. All evaluation certificates and test reports from thirdparty organizations are fully disclosed, providing peace of mind for new customers as well. Proven safety and performance evaluation by third-party organizations! Japan Paint Inspection Association ・Floor coating application ・Development and sales of house coating agents